TITVS ADVXAS - THE CENTVRION OF TRVTH On February 1st 2010, TITVS ADVXAS was reopened but will now be more light-hearted, being run by a third party. Titvs Advxas has agreed to this on the understanding that it continues with its Nationalist theme... Disclaimer: Please note that these posts are entirely the opinion of the authors not the British National Party nor anyone else. ,

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Criminal Muslim Mobs Control British Underworld

Islamic gang members have claimed that fear of terrorist attacks has allowed them to gain control of large parts of the British underworld, particularly in London writes the BNP Website

Twenty-one-year-old Amir – an ex-gang member – says that Muslim drug dealers and credit card scammers have exploited the fear of terrorist attacks to force out white, black and Eastern European gangs. Many rival gangs are convinced that the Islamic gangland has ties with Al Qaeda and are fearful that any clashes will result in revenge bombings.

Amir described how their gangs have control of some of the country’s biggest prisons, using promises of expensive legal teams and protection if the inmates will convert to Islam. The prison system itself promotes conversion as Muslim inmates receive extra prayer time without guard supervision and superior quality halal meals.

Mosques have been described as ‘Islamic Barracks’. Amir revealed just how apt that description is, explaining that the gang members will use the mosque to hide from the police and rival gangs, until they’re ready to fight back using other local Muslims as a garrison force.

Rival gangs believe that the Muslim mob has an advantage over other ethnicities because they only deal with other Muslims. The Islamic colonisation of major English cities means that the gangs have a ready-made national network of willing accomplices.

Muslim gangs were involved in the racist hammer attack that left schoolboy Henry Webster brain-damaged. Testimonies made in the following court case stated that the school had a serious problem with extremist Muslim pupils since the 2005 London bombings.

We have London all sewn up. Muslims have this country under control. Nobody can touch us,” declared Amir.


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