TITVS ADVXAS - THE CENTVRION OF TRVTH On February 1st 2010, TITVS ADVXAS was reopened but will now be more light-hearted, being run by a third party. Titvs Advxas has agreed to this on the understanding that it continues with its Nationalist theme... Disclaimer: Please note that these posts are entirely the opinion of the authors not the British National Party nor anyone else. ,

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Nick Griffin MEP Will Represent All Constituents and Walk Where Others Fear to Tread

The newly elected Member of the European Parliament for the North West region, Nick Griffin MEP, will represent all constituents in his region without fear nor favour, and will boldly address all issues, even those which other politicians shy away from, such as Muslim paedophile grooming.

This was how Mr Griffin answered a pointed question directed at him during today’s hugely successful hour-long press conference held in Manchester. The press conference, one of two planned for this week, went ahead without disruption, unlike the first one in London which was attacked by Labour, Tory and Lib-Dem supported UAF thugs.

Answering a question about whether he was prepared to deal with queries from ethnic constituents in his region, Mr Griffin confirmed that he would. “I will also deal with the issues from which other politicians run away, no matter what they are. People will be able to bring any topic they want to my door.”

The press conference was held in the Ace of Diamonds public house in Manchester against a Victory in Europe backdrop which the party had already prepared in anticipation of winning seats in the European Parliament.

Outside the pub, a small group of ragged UAF protestors were kept at bay by the Manchester police. They were joined by journalists from The Mirror, The Sun and The Manchester Evening News, all of whom were barred entry to the press conference after their disgraceful reporting on the BNP in the run-up to the election.

Mr Griffin kept answering questions from the media throng who attended until they had literally run out of things to ask. Topics dealt with included the usual nonsense about race but included many which were much more sensible such as the privatisation of utility companies and climate change.

In answer to a question if UAF protests would hinder future public BNP activities, Mr Griffin said that while he was “grateful for the publicity, nothing that the far left could do would stop the BNP. The demonstration in London was organised by political opponents and had to be viewed in that light.”

More than 30 journalist teams attended the conference, accompanied by at least half a dozen TV crews from the BBC, Channel 4, ITN and others. Mr Griffin also pointed out that the BNP website had more than 160,000 unique visitors the day before, and that it was now by itself a media channel. This would negate the distortions about the BNP policy by the mass media, he added.

* The entire event was filmed by BNPTV and can be seen below.



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