In the guise of TITVS ADVXAS, I joined those two fastest growing websites Twitter AND Facebook last week.
Click here for Twitter and Facebook
I added a Twitter URL feed to the top of both Unite Against Farce AND Titvs Advxas blogs, and there's a Facebook button somewhere in the sidebar of TITVS. It means that if I get really pissed off about a situation whilst I am out, I can twitter the details to my blog via SMS text as an aide-memoir.
Earlier I twittered about going to Hatton Country Park with the family. After about 3 1/2 hours in the sweltering heat, I was knackered and volunteered to take the picnic stuff back to the car. On the way back, I noticed that the Coach park had 6 coaches. Judging from the children there 4 of the 6 coaches must've been from 'The Occupied Territories' I took a picture of the fun fare ride where this high occupancy was obvious. After I got to my car, I actually nodded off in my driving seat. My mobile rang at about 3.30PM. Tanya Lumby phoned to thank us for the birthday card we'd sent her last Saturday. As I was half asleep, she must've thought I was drunk (I actually never drink since I made a pass at my friends Mom when I was17, and I still have those scars 32 years later)
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