TITVS ADVXAS - THE CENTVRION OF TRVTH On February 1st 2010, TITVS ADVXAS was reopened but will now be more light-hearted, being run by a third party. Titvs Advxas has agreed to this on the understanding that it continues with its Nationalist theme... Disclaimer: Please note that these posts are entirely the opinion of the authors not the British National Party nor anyone else. ,

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Blogs about bogs, bog standards and standards By TITVS ADVXAS

Having just viewed some photographs of the toilets of a major employer in Birmingham, I needed to comment on facilities and moreover, the prospects for Christian and non-Christians in the workplace.

Bearing in mind that this is in the 'Gents' and this one cubicle replaces only one of half a dozen, you will notice that the entire seat has been replaced with just a raised area for the feet (like many of the older more primitive toilets seen around France and the continent and beyond.)

You may also observe the douche with hot and cold water supply, hanging to the right.

If we were indeed looking at a French lavatory, then that would be a bidet, and not a douche.

The Quaker prayer room of the workplace of this same employer has long gone and recently was replaced by a supposed 'multifaith room' whose only theme in hanging photographs and lack of seating, other than spartan benching certainly is not a traditional Christian ambiance.

This combined with a rear room, whose entry is solely from the main 'multifaith room', having facilities to wash feet means that this major employer, now has prayer facilities for one faith, and one faith alone!

In fact, not just here in Birmingham, but the whole recruitment and employment laws within the whole of the UK have slowly and thoroughly been eroded over the recent years to the point now where if a white christian were applying for any job he need not be considered and his CV could be shredded and incinerated without any laws being bent or broken.

I refer to the extract of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples printed to the right of this blog, in the second box down:

Affirming that indigenous peoples are equal to all other peoples, while recognising the right of all peoples to be different, to consider themselves different, and to be respected as such. Reaffirming that indigenous peoples, in the exercise of their rights, should be free from discrimination of any kind. Recognising the urgent need to respect and promote the inherent rights of indigenous peoples which derive from their political, economic and social structures and from their cultures, spiritual traditions, histories and philosophies, especially their rights to their lands, territories and resources. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their right to participate fully, if they so choose, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State.

It is clear that by suffering the wishes and needs of non-indigenous peoples, we the indigenous peoples are slowly being 'killed off'.

Furthermore, we are being killed off illegally, if the UN declaration has any bearing upon our current government legislation, because our indigenous workforce are actively not being allowed to work, because the employers are tuning into and turning to the 'legal' directives of these evil Marxists in power.

And by their actions, these employers are symbolically flushing us away down these new yet outdated latrines.

The indigenous white male will then become extinct.

As Published


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